El University of St.Gallen OPEX Roadshow se celebrará el 29 de Junio de 2016 en Merck S.L., C/ Batanes 1, Polígono Industrial de Tres Cantos, 28769 Tres Cantos, Madrid
The University of St.Gallen and ISPE are organizing an OPEX Roadshow event in Spain for the 2nd year in which pharmaceutical companies can learn about and discuss on Operational Excellence.
These OPEX Roadshow events will be organized as 1-day meetings with presentations of Prof. Dr. Thomas Friedli (editor of three OPEX books and regular speaker at big pharma events) and further pharma leaders as well as workshop sessions about current global challenges faced by big and small pharmaceutical companies. In order to ensure great discussions with and between the participating companies we will share a collection of real industry cases we have been dealing with over the past years and also jointly work on an Operational Excellence case study in detail.
We will certainly have several participants from big and small pharmaceutical companies and the exchange will fore sure be beneficial for all participants. Following the link below, you will find further information as well as the opportunity to register: http://tectem.ch/institute/opex/roadshow
? Gain profound OPEX insights from the 12 year experience of the University of St.Gallen
? Learn about OPEX approaches from successful companies all over the world
? Learn how you can further improve your OPEX in a long-term perspective
? Derive the right improvement priorities for your own OPEX program
? Mutual exchange with the OPEX Team of the University of St.Gallen Networking and knowledge exchange with other OPEX leaders
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